RM9 Off on every RM90. Use Code: RM9OFF
How It Works
Delivering food from the kitchen to the customers.
Choose Your Meals
100+ menu of nutritious dishes
We Prepare & Deliver
Cooked by chefs, we seal and pack them
No Cooking Required
Simply heat and meal is ready in 3 minutes
Eat & Repeat
Subscribe or personalised your delivery plan
We Deliver Nationwide
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Meal Plans
Preselect meal plan with balance mix of variety type of proteins
Muscle Gain
Support muscle growth and strength gains, and ease muscle recovery with a nutrient-packed, high protein meal.
Weight Loss (no carbs)
Carefully developed to maximise nutritional values, the weight loss no-carb meal plan is rich in protein and healthy fats.
Weight Loss (low carbs)
Fuelling up with proper nutrients with our low carb meal plan to achieve your weight loss goals and feel energised.
Eat Well
High-quality proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats create a balanced macronutrient meal plan to suit your lifestyle.
Monsta Stars Say
The variety of menu is superb and it is so easy to heat up the frozen food.
Super friendly and informative staff, you can ask them whatever you want with regard to the food
& delivery and they will answer all your doubts precisely!
Florisscia John Johnny
Delicious food! I have lost 4kg so far. Keep it up!
Ivy Chan
Thanks for the great service. You make my journey to eat clean so much easier.
Cant decide which meal plan?
Take a quiz and we will recommend the suitable meal plan for you. For more personalised &
custom meal plan, do contact our certified Nutritionist at 019-7118408
Eat Healthy With Us
Good health and vitality drive peak performance and productivity at work. Our meal plans are
designed to fuel up - in and/or out of office
Nourish Your Body And Mind
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